
Fantastic News! Woods Chapel is halfway to our goal of building 25 homes in El Chile, Nicaragua!! You have funded 15 houses already! That is incredible! Help make the final push to reach our goal of $140,000 to help those in need in Nicaragua.

We want every person at Woods Chapel Church to know that they can be part of this exciting adventure one cinderblock at a time! Any amount that you can donate is welcome!

There will be 25 homes built, and the cost per home is $5,600, for a total of $140,000 for this housing project. Would you be interested in contributing to this project? You can contribute by writing a check to WCC with the memo ‘Nicaragua housing,’ or you can give online HERE. When giving online, choose the Missions Fund and include the memo of ‘Nicaragua housing.’

You can also learn more at the Rainbow Network’s website HERE.